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Get a Chat API for Every Business Use case!

In App-Messaging APIs and SDKs for responsive communication.
Quickly add text messaging, voice-video calls, and video conferencing features into your business applications to provide an enhanced customer service. Knit our feature-set into your App by using Cloud-based and On-premise Chat APIs from Troop Messenger!
Go for it Now!
Why take Troop Messenger APIs?
You can message, call and handle administrative tasks with Troop Messenger’s Real-time APIs and SDKs
Real-Time APIs
Integrate Troop Messenger’s Real-time APIs on your user-side applications to let them start communicating with you in real-time.
Back-end APIs
Manage administrative tasks, users, groups, Android and iOS apps with Troop Messenger’s Back-end APIs
Don’t code the features from scratch. Embed the ready-to-ship code into your existing apps or web interfaces with 100+ enriched features
Javascript Chat SDK
Use our enriched chat SDK documentation in your business-messaging platforms to create a controlled chat session with your customers.
Troop Messenger cares for developers, allowing them to create simplified chat API and efficient in-app chat solutions with our application APIs.
We deliver quick-to-deploy APIs with robust documentation and code to save your time and money.
The Quick-Start Kits
Our developers have made it easy for you! You have to integrate our in-app live chat APIs into your business logic just with few lines of code.

Use our comprehensive devkits to have faster and smoother development processes and shorter development life cycles.


Allow your customers to have an uninterrupted and enhanced text, voice-video interaction experience with the WebSocket APIs!

Chat Widgets
Chat Widgets

Let the chat widgets of your web portals prompt your customers to chat with your in-app chat support team for instant answers.

Perfect Collaboration: Features never seen before!

Message APIs

One-on-one Messaging
One-on-one Messaging
Group Conversations
Group Conversations
Location & Tracking
Location & Tracking
Audio & Video Message
Audio & Video Message
Message reply & Forward
Message reply & Forward
Delete, Recall   & Edit
Delete, Recall   & Edit
Last seen status
Last seen status
Typing indicator
Typing indicator
Read & Delivery info
Read & Delivery info
Read markers and more..
Read markers and more..

Call APIs

Voice Calling
Voice Calling
Video calling
Video calling
Group Calling
Group Calling
Multiple host
Multiple host
Waiting room
Waiting room
Host Controls
Host Controls
Call switching
Call switching
In-app collaboration API for chat messaging:

Our chat service APIs are well structured, with the set of commands and callbacks helping you launch and handle the ongoing chat messaging session successfully.

  • Don’t code the features from scratch! Embed the ready-to-ship Chat API code into your existing apps or web interfaces with 100+ enriched features
  • Integrate our enterprise-level API messaging service to have 1:1 conversation, group chats, dedicated rooms, contact info, and more to provide 24/7 customer service!
In-app voice and video calls

Launch an interactive and scalable chat API into your business systems along with the voice-video calling APIs to have the right end-user experiences!

  • No call drops or lags! Communicate with real-time Voice API and Video API with your customers with clear face-to-face conversations
  • Make your customers feel free to switch between voice, video, chat, and conference, seamlessly with our in-app chat API.
Its easy with Troop Messenger to build any App!

Program the features with your creative control that you need for your business messaging API.

  • Javascript SDK Use our enriched chat SDKs in your API integration to make your developer job easy for creating highly interactive and powerful messaging and voice-video calling abilities.
  • Seamless Transition Switch between our cloud-based and on-premise API service offerings without letting your users know about the transition.
  • Designed for Perfection Develop the chat UI the way you want it to be! Have customized fonts, colors, message style, borders, and more with this messaging interactions API.
Chat SDKs and APIs – Ready for all!
Have the advanced collaboration chat APIs of Troop Messenger in your web and mobile apps. Reach millions of consumers with its fast-to-use chat and calling abilities!
Integrate into your food delivery, online gaming, cab-service apps, dating apps and more to let your service agents to be in touch with your end-customers.
Market Place & E-commerce
Market Place & E-commerce
Gain customer confidence by answering their purchase queries through Troop Messenger in-app messaging chat APIs.
Banking and Fintech Apps
Banking and Fintech Apps
Let your users log in to the secured environment to have safe and end-to-end encrypted banking and investment conversations.
Sales and Support
Sales and Support
Be in touch with your business clients with in-app texting and calling facilities until your sales teams close the deal.
Tele-medicine has become the new normal! Integrate the Troop Messenger APIs to address the first hour emergencies.
Teachers – Students
Use our APIs in your educational websites and mobile apps to conduct real-time classes with students with screen sharing and audio-video calling.
We got you everything covered!
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